Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

CET PhDs Agnete Hessevik and Thea Gregersen are ready for Forsker Grand Prix Friday October 1st.
New projects started at MediaFutures and upcoming Annual Meeting
Leader of the Media Use in Crisis Situations project, Brita Ytre-Arne, participated panel discussion at the NordMedia Conference and a keynote plenary session at the ECREA Communication Conference.
Shokrgozar is our new PhD on the ASSET project and will research the governance of multi-scalar solar energy transitions in India.
Georgian and Norwegian Anthropology students tested their skills as real anthropologists during twelve intensive days of Summer School in Anthropological Research Methods.
Zuzana Murdoch uses evidence from Norwegian Register Data in new publication on Public Sector Employees in JPART.
We are happy to announce our brand new Crash Course in Social Anthropology! All interested are welcome to take the course.
CET is seeking a PhD for our collaboratory project with the Department of Information Science and Media studies. Deadline September 27th!