Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

Often our path seems rocky, at times completely lost, but sometimes we find pointers to some light at the end. Today, we were given a travel grant of 50000 NOK from the University of Bergen and the Meltzer Research Fund to enable data collection and collaborative visits to get some science done also this year.
One of the things we have been missing a lot from "normality" is to visit our collaborators and friends and host them in our lab. As one step towards normal times, we had the pleasure to get Herwig Schüler from Lund to visit our lab in Bergen.
UiB research shows that being born to term with a weight lower than 3,5 kilos is related to a higher risk of developing neurodevelopmental problems such as cerebral palsy and autism.
The results of a new clinical trial, published in the peer-reviewed journal Cell Metabolism, show that oral intake of nicotinamide riboside (NR) enhances NAD-metabolism in the brain of individuals with Parkinson’s disease, and shows promise as a potential therapy.
Program: Monday 28.03.22 @ 12-13 Professor Eva Gerdts: Hypertension in women. Consultant PhD Grethe Åstrøm Ueland: Autonomous cortisol secretion – a new cause of treatment resistant hypertension in women? Plenary discussion. The seminar will be held in Norwegian
