Faculty of Science and Technology

News archive for Faculty of Science and Technology

Students enrolled in Fish Health and Aquaculture at BIO have confronted their need for more information by deciding to establish their own student union (linjeforeninga).
The bioinformatics platform Elixir.no developed by the Department of Informatics and led by Professor Inge Jonassen, has been awarded 50 million by the Norwegian Research Council.
Friday 28. October 2011 Herbjørn Presthus Heggen defended his PhD-thesis at Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
Friday 21. October 2011 Kristian Vasskog defended his PhD-thesis at Department of Earth Science
Our scientist-at-sea, PhD student Steffen Jorgensen, aboard the JOIDES Resolution has sent his fourth report.
Professor Inge Jonassen at the Department of Informatics has helped sequence the genomes of the cod.