Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

The ASIM instrument aboard the International Space Station was the only instrument out of seven which detected the giant flare and recorded the main burst phase without being blinded by the giant flash of high energy which saturated the other six detectors at the time of the maximum emission.
Albina Gilmullina (PhD UiB Geo 2021 with Christian Haug Eide as main supervisor leader) was yesterday awarded the "Harold Reading Medal" from the British Sedimentological Research Group. It is awarded to the person who has submitted " best publication arising directly from a PhD project in the field of sedimentology and stratigraphy during the previous year". Out of ten nominees mostly from the... Read more
The new centre is led by NORCE with UiB as a major partner, together with a range of international institutions, industry and technology providers.  Within UiB, GEO, Maths and Physics and Technology are the main departments involved in the centre.
Lisa Hansen Simonsen is about to hand in her Master thesis on the link between spring weather and phenology in small birds
Marie Hauso is a high school teacher student interested in parasites and behaviour. She is now starting her Masters project with Adele Mennerat.
Bottom trawl is usually considered a relative unselective fishing gear, but Taiwanese coastal trawl fishers show a good ability to change their catch profiles to match market demands
Beatriz Diaz Pauli joined forces with 8th graders from the International School of Bergen and their teacher Lars Haugen Aardal to become reviewers for the Frontiers of Young Minds journal.
Outreach activities connected with the CONFECT project will be displayed here.
Devyn Remme, PhD Candidate at Department of Geography at UiB will present the very interesting and very relevant topic of electric vehicle (EV) battery value chains, including their environmental and social impact
In january the Pandemic Centre will offer a two-weeks course for students to learn from the Covid-19 pandemic. The course is open to both PhD-students and Master students from all diciplines at the university.