Faculty of Science and Technology

News archive for Faculty of Science and Technology

(fra UiB Aktuelt) Eit nytt havobservatorium på havbotnen i Norskehavet vil gje forskarane sanntidsdata rett inn på kontoret. Observatoriet kan fylle kunnskapsgap om havet for fleire fagdisiplinar.
(fra På Høyden) Forskere planlegger å etablere observatorier i dyphavene utenfor Norskekysten som skal fjernsende data kontinuerlig til land. – Dette er neste generasjons infrastruktur, sier prosjektleder Peter M. Haugan om prestisjeprosjektet.
You are invited ... to take a masters in Geobiology!
We are frantically preparing for the "Master Day" of the Biology Department on Thursday, March 17.
Free software for mac, iphone and ipad
A new webpage for the Norwegian Society of Magnetic Resonance (NSMR) is now available. Become a member of NSMR.
EvoFish member Fabian Zimmermann is currently visiting the School of Economics and Finance at the University of Tasmania as part of his PhD project
"The supercontinent which was not superb enough"