Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Researchers from the Department of Earth Science of the University of Bergen explain in a paper published in Nature Communications how exhumed mantle domes form at magma-poor continental margins and at ultra-slow mid-oceanic spreading systems controlled by frictional shear zones.
Chr. Michelsen Institute and the University of Bergen have a long-standing agreement to strengthen development-related research in Bergen. We now invite applications for collaboration between our two institutions for 2022-2023. Deadline 15 June, 2022.
A recent article from Tor Einar Møller on exploring how microbes can shed light on ancient climate conditions has been featured on a SCIPOD episode.
In a large scale airplane campaign researchers will – for the first time – follow water molecules from they take off from the ocean until they have landed as rain or snow in Norway.
From sunflowers to starfish, symmetry appears everywhere in biology. This isn’t just true for body plans – the molecular machines keeping our cells alive are also strikingly symmetric. But why? Does evolution have a built-in preference for symmetry?
Tor Einar Møller successfully defended his PhD on Friday.
Daniel Holmen is a new Ph.D. student at the Department of Mathematics and his project is part of the Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics. We met him to find out more about his background and the project.