Faculty of Science and Technology

News archive for Faculty of Science and Technology

Deep seabed mining is coming closer to a reality, presumably motivated by the need for rare metals. In this lecture Lisa A. Levin, from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, will highlight the deep-sea ecosystems being targeted for seabed mining, their biodiversity and why it matters, potential threats and management challenges.
Can CT scanning be used to better determine the magnitude of past volcanic eruptions? The answer is a resounding yes, according to a new study in Nature Communications by Willem van der Bilt with colleagues.
HRH Crown Prince Haakon of Norway visited the Bjerknes Centre to learn more about our research – and to check the snow he sampled himself in Greenland last summer.
This is the web page for HySchool Days 2024, the premier networking event organised by HySchool ‒ Norwegian Research School on Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Based Fuels. NTNU will host HySchool Days 2024 in Trondheim, on 23-24 April 2024. 
Bachelor student Andrea, is in her last semester of her bachelor's degree in geology at department of Earth Science, UiB. She says: "I'm one of the two lucky ones who got an internship at Brønnøy Kalk".
​​​​​​​HySchool Days are the annual networking events organised by HySchool  ̶  Norwegian Research School on Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Based Fuels. Over hundred participants gathered for HySchool Days 2023, including PhD candidates and leading experts from industry, academia, research institutes and non-governmental organizations.
After dedicating most of the last six months of the project to conducting interviews, the CULTIVATE project partners finally met in person, this time on the Hiiumaa island in the West Estonian Archipelago – almost exactly a year since the first in-person meeting in Trebon in March 2022.
Did you miss professor Ahmad Hemmati's presentation on Energy Informatics? Watch it here!