Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

At FOCS 2013, one of the two highest ranked conferences in Theoretical Computer Science, the following two papers will be presented, with co-authors associated to Bergen highlighted in boldface:
Jacob Bjerknes, the father of modern weather forecasting, suggested a connection between European weather and temperatures in the North Atlantic. Fifty years later, the Bjerknes Centre in Bergen helps to prove that Bjerknes was right in his prediction.
This fall semester, Professor Michael A. Celia of Princeton University will be teaching a special topics course focused on standard analytical and numerical solution methods for partial differential equations, with an emphasis on equations that describe various kinds of environmental transport processes.
Why on earth would researchers consider hunting practices that deliberately induce stress and fear?
Knowing more about fish larva nutrition will have a significant impact on future aquaculture industry practices.
This knowledge will have a significant impact on future aquaculture industry practices.
August 1st, 2013 the Norwegian Minister of the Environment, Bård Vegard Solhjell, paid a visit to UiB to hear more about the Norwegian volcanoes that lie beneath the sea surface.
A new study, covered by the BBC News and published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, shows that salmon growing in a stimulating environment become smarter.