Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

Seminar 04.02.2010 - 13.00
Physiotherapist Anne Brit Sørsdahl will defend her PhD thesis: "Intensive group training in a local community setting for children with cerebral palsy. Methodological aspects and change in motor functioning" at Auditorium 2, BBB, Thursday 18.02. at 10.30 a.m. As part of the defense a lecture will be held at Auditorium 2, BBB, Wednestay 17.02. at 2.15 p.m. Wednestay's lecture and the defense is... Read more
Scandomit er det skandinaviske møtet for mitokondrieforskning, og samler iår over 70 deltakere fra ulike forskningsfelt. Programmet spenner fra basal til klinisk forskning. 3 grupper ved UiB er ansvarlig for konferansen; Professorene Bindoff (Klinisk medisin), Ziegler (Molekylærbiologi) og 1. aman Tronstad (Biomedisin) utgjør komiteen.
Another productive year for the Division of Physiotherapy Sciences. Here are last years publications:
Biomaterials is now established in the new Labororatory building at Haukeland University Hospital
Neuroblastoma cells are typically arrested at an early and immature stage. The stage of neuroblastoma tumor cell differentiation is known to influence patient outcome, with a high differentiation stage correlating to favorable prognosis.
The prize to the best publication on basic research 2008 at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry was given to the paper: Identification of pharmacological chaperones as potential therapeutic agents to treat phenylketonuria
In connection with the Norwegian National Protomics Meeting 26th-27th Hasmik Keshishian from Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard was an invited speaker. After the meeting she remained in Bergen to assist PROBE in setting up the Targeted protein quantification method Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) in a state of the art manner. This method is now available at PROBE.
The board of FUGE (the Functional Genomics programme of Norway) has granted 2,3 mill NOK to be distributed to research projects in order stimulate use of bio bank material in proteomic research. This is part of the effort to stimulate researchers to utilize multiple FUGE platforms in their research and to encourage contact and interdisciplinary cooperation between the different technology... Read more
The board of FUGE (the Functional Genomics programme of Norway) has granted 2,3 mill NOK to be distributed to research projects in order stimulate use of bio bank material in proteomic research. This is part of the effort to stimulate researchers to utilize multiple FUGE platforms in their research and to encourage contact and interdisciplinary cooperation between the different technology... Read more
17th-18th of September MIC arranged the Second Nordic Imaging Network Symposium. Lectures and presentations revolved around the state-of-the-art within molecular-, cellular- and small animal imaging as well bio imaging informatics, the latter meaning e.g. automatic image analysis.
The partners in Medviz and the Molecular Imaging Centre (MIC) together aim to establish a large scale core facility, From Molecule to Man, for medical imaging in Bergen. The facility will comprise all relevant imaging modalities from molecular imaging to clinical scanners as well as all the relevant support functions and will have open access to all Norwegian researchers. It is now up to the NRC... Read more
There is a current imbalance between an auto-/semiautomated image acquisition processes and de facto manual image analysis. MIC, through a concerted effort with the UiB and BCCS, bioinformatics environment, aims to establish easy access and user support to state-of-the-art bioimaging software tools for (i) storage, (ii) retrieval, (iii) auto-mated analysis and (iv) visualization of the rapidly... Read more
