Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

The board of FUGE (the Functional Genomics programme of Norway) has granted 2,3 mill NOK to be distributed to research projects in order stimulate use of bio bank material in proteomics research. This is part of the effort to stimulate researchers to utilize multiple FUGE platforms in their research and to encourage contact and interdisciplinary cooperation between the different technology... Read more
PROBE, together with the Department of Molecular Biology will hold a course on Quantitative Proteomics in Bergen June 7-11th 2010. The course, which requires basic knowledge (theoretical and practical) in proteomics will address state of the art proteomics techniques through lectures, practical work and demonstrations. The course is supported by Nordforsk.
Discovery of the "Golgi-bypass" provides new insight into how disease-related proteins are transported to the cell surface.
Professor James Lorens and his group use nanotechnology to study tissue production and cancer development.
Seminar 04.02.2010 - 13.00
Physiotherapist Anne Brit Sørsdahl will defend her PhD thesis: "Intensive group training in a local community setting for children with cerebral palsy. Methodological aspects and change in motor functioning" at Auditorium 2, BBB, Thursday 18.02. at 10.30 a.m. As part of the defense a lecture will be held at Auditorium 2, BBB, Wednestay 17.02. at 2.15 p.m. Wednestay's lecture and the defense is... Read more
Scandomit er det skandinaviske møtet for mitokondrieforskning, og samler iår over 70 deltakere fra ulike forskningsfelt. Programmet spenner fra basal til klinisk forskning. 3 grupper ved UiB er ansvarlig for konferansen; Professorene Bindoff (Klinisk medisin), Ziegler (Molekylærbiologi) og 1. aman Tronstad (Biomedisin) utgjør komiteen.
Another productive year for the Division of Physiotherapy Sciences. Here are last years publications:
