Faculty of Medicine

News archive for Faculty of Medicine

Aurora Martinez and her research group at the Department of Biomedicine work to find cures for rare, genetic illnesses.
Long Giang Nguyen investigates properties of nylon-based materials
The library offers free courses free for staff and students at UiB and Haukeland University Hospital
Projects related to particles from implants
Research collaboration between University of Bergen, Bergen University College and Haukeland University Hospital resulted in several presentations.
The annual Norwegian Molecular Imaging Consortium meeting will take place at the University of Bergen from Thursday 25th to Friday the 26th of October, 2012.
The annual Norwegian Molecular Imaging Consortium meeting will take place at the University of Tromsø from Thursday 20th to Friday the 21st of October, 2011.
The Research Groups for General Practice and Physiotherapy at the Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care are represented in the EU’s research network COST - Action, dedicated to the issue: “Assessment of Pain in Patients with Impaired Cognition, especially Dementia”.
Linda Stuhr and co-workers have shown that an increased availabiity of oxygen in tumours inhibits both growth and production of new capillaries (angiogenesis).
On the 20th of May 2011 Jill Anette Opsahl successfully defended her PhD thesis and thus completed her PhD degree.
Recent knowledge regarding fluid constituting the body's microenvironment gives new diagnostic possibilities.
After getting an article accepted in FEBS Letters, the authors sent a cover art suggestion to the journal. The image was accepted and is featured on the cover of FEBS Lett., Volume 585, Issue 8.
Probes for molecular imaging of renal function with MRI and PET is developed.
At the Department of Medicine, University of Bergen, there is one PhD and one Post Doc position available in In vivo Imaging.
The course will include lectures, practical work and demonstrations of different quantitative proteomics techniques. The course will require basic knowledge (teoretical and practical) in proteomics.
Kjartan Vibe Fersum defends his PhD thesis on wednesday, 27. april 2011. Non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP) disorders have proven highly resistant to change in spite of enormous resources directed at them. There is lack of evidence for single treatment interventions for patients with NSCLBP despite the substantial amount of Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT) evaluating treatment outcome... Read more
