Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

China-expert Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr writes in an op-ed in Aftenposten that Norway needs good relations with a China on the rise, and that it therefore makes sense for the Norwegian government not to meet with the Dalai Lama now.
Kjetil Fosshagen is out with a new book, exploring the structural dynamics underpinning popular resistance and their support or suppression during the Arab Spring. The book asks; has the revolutions since been hijacked and the uprisings already usurped by the upper classes?
Professor Gunnar Grendstad argues in an op-ed in Klassekampen that the government’s and the Supreme Court’s involvement in the selection of justices could be problematic with respect to the separation of powers and democracy. He notes that some therefore have favored involving the Norwegian parliament more in the selection process.
Associate Professor Michaël Tatham does research on the role of regions in the EU system. This spring the prolific researcher has published seven new articles in the field.
According to Professor Tor Midtbø of the Department of Comparative Politics, journalists have become more interested in the political game and what happens offstage, and this leads to more political scandals. Midtbø was recently interviewed by newspaper Mandag Morgen about a new Nordic research project on political scandals in which he is engaged.
Professor Stein Kuhnle of the Department of Comparative Politics collaborates with Norwegian, Finnish, American and Russian partners on a new research project on welfare reform in Russia. The project is led by the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research.
The TV2 News Channel and The Royal Norwegian Naval Academy are among those asking for the Ukraine expertise of Associate Professor Terje Knutsen. During the tense situation in Ukraine Norwegian media have frequently asked for the Eastern Europe expert’s assessment.
The Ukraine crisis, the free trade agreement between the EU and the US and the EU’s relations with Norway were among the topics the EU’s ambassador to Norway Helen Campbell spoke about in her visit to the Department of Comparative Politics April 4th.
Anja M. S. Ariansen at The Department of Sociology and Arnstein Mykletun has published a new study that investigates whether higher average age at first delivery increase gender differences in sickness absence.
In today’s economic and power consuming state, hydropower can be regarded as the most critical and beneficial renewable resource in Norway. The main goal of my project is to visualize past temporal snowlines on the west coast mountain regions in Norway during varying future climate scenarios and to study how this will affect the production of hydropower.
Professor Stein Kuhnle is the co-editor of a new book on work-life balance in Europe and China. Together with Norwegian and Chinese colleagues he discusses how China can learn from the experiences of European welfare states.
Professor Frank Aarebrot was recently honored for his TV-lecture on Norwegian history by Rector Dag Rune Olsen of the University of Bergen. Professor Aarebrot’s popularizing of academic knowledge has been widely praised in the weeks ensuing the live-TV lecture.
Bruce Kapferer has recently published a new book - 2001 and Counting: Kubrick, Nietzsche, and Anthropology. Read more about it here!
The UNESCO-conference with the title «Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development» is taking place at UiB 24th -26th of March. 150 delegates from a multitude of nations are participating.
Circumstances for jobless persons under the age of 25 in Sweden, Finland and Norway have changed dramatically the last 15 years. Many have become poor.
Associate professor Alf G. Nilsen is the new representative for the University of Bergen to the India Nordic Centre.
The case study "Disability, Independence and Care in the United Kingdom and Norway: An International Social Research Methods Case Study", carried out by Professor Karen Christensen is included as a learning case in the SAGE research methoods database.
Non-Western immigrants in Norway have more sickness absence than other immigrants and native Norwegians. Measured in wages, income, and positions of authority, non-Western immigrants have less favourable jobs.
