Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

The Global Development is an annual lecture organised by the programme for development studies. This year prof. Kjetil Bjorvatn is invited from NHH. The title of the lecture is "Ruka Juu: “Edutainment” for entrepreneurship in Tanzania" All interested are welcome!
Constitutional reform intended to modernize the judiciary and promote judicial independence can have the opposite effect, Andrea Castagnola and Aníbal Pérez-Liñán find in a new article published in the British Journal of Political Science.
Professor Jonas Linde and Associate Professor Elisabeth Ivarsflaten of the Department of Comparative Politics provided expertise analysis for TV2 during the Swedish parliamentary election last Sunday.
Associate Professor Elisabeth Ivarsflaten says to Newspaper Aftenposten that the two parties’ different origins render them not fully comparable.
Increasing the pressure on mosques can contribute to further radicalization of Muslims, PhD student Olav Elgvin writes in an op-ed in newspaper Aftenposten.
How parties are able to reward their own voters was the topic of the 2014 Stein Rokkan Memorial Lecture. Students and faculty at the Department of Comparative Politics filled the auditorium to hear the prominent professor speak.
Associate Professor Ragnhild L. Muriaas and Happy M. Kayuni find in a new study of Malawi that even though earmarked electoral financing can improve the prospects of female candidates in intra-party nomination battles, such strategies also have unintended negative consequences.
The distribution of a species is an inherent part of its ecology. Species distribution is essential for a successful species’ management.
The Department of Economics and the Faculty of Social Sciences have hosted a meeting with delegates from Renmin University of China, School of Economics, to explore opportunities of student and staff exchange between the two universities.
How do Muslim religious leaders in Europe understand the relationship between Islam and politics? This will be answered in Olav Elgvin’s PhD proejct.
Alf Gunvald Nilsen, associate professor at the Department of Sociology, and the Irish sociologist Laurence Cox have published an excerpt from their new book, We Make Our Own History: Marxism and Social Movements in the Twilight of Neoliberalism (Pluto Press),
In this article Post. Doc Miia Bask and her co-writer Mikael Bask (Uppsala University) examins if the Matthew effect, or Matthew mechanism, was present in the artificial cultural market Music Lab when social influence between individuals was allowed, and contrary, if this was not the case when social influence was not allowed.
To grasp developments in Norwegian politics, Stein Rokkan’s perspectives are needed, PhD student Olav Elgvin of the Department of Comparative Politics writes in newspaper Klassekampen. Rokkan’s political-sociological perspectives are not sufficiently present, according to Elgvin.
September 10th Herbert Kitschelt visits the Department of Comparative Politics to give the annual Stein Rokkan Memorial Lecture.
Professor Atle Møen har publiched an article titled "Interpretations and critiques of modernity - A review of Peter Wagner: Modernity: understanding the present".
Mobilized Islam and state-society relations in Muslim majority countries with a special focus on Syria, Tunisia and Turkey are Dutch Teije Hidde Donker’s research interests.
New students at the Department of Comparative Politics and European Studies were welcomed by the department leadership Friday August 15th , and given a presentation of both the discipline and faculty.
