Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

Community forestry is increasingly seen as an important component in environmental governance. In the Indian state of Uttarakhand a process of reform has made forest councils compulsory in every village and introduced new rules within which they are to function. In this doctoral project I explore the many views of this contested reform process, taking into consideration current local livelihoods... Read more
The EU-funded ECOPAS project brings together anthropology, climate research and performative arts to highlight the challenges faced by Pacific island nations.
Department of Geography is offering the web based course "Critical Perspectives on Environment and Development" in the spring semester 2014.
- Public administration is about everything we are doing in national development, says ph.d. candidate Orest Masue. His project is about empowerment of school committees and parents in Tanzania. - It seems that the assumption “the more opportunity, the more empowerment” does not work here.
The annual Stein Rokkan Memorial Lecture was held 24 October. Professor Donatella della Porta, Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Italy gave the lecture The reemergence of a class cleavage? Social movements in times of austerity. Professor Donatella della Porta is a prominent scientist in the field of social movements.
The journalism study research group is pleased to invite you to a lecture by Maarit Jakkola, University of Tampere, Finland on the topic of Cultural Journalism in Finland.
The glaciers of the Himalayan mountains are some of the most undersampled in the world owing to their remoteness, harsh conditions, and in some areas political situations.
On september 11th Alf G. Nilsen wrote an invited comment on the norwegian elections in the renowned British newspaper The Guardian. After this he received threats. - We are witnessing a development of society where we really need that different opinions come forward, and that people can participate in public debate without putting their own safety at risk.
The full title of the article is "Against the Current, From Below: Resisting Dispossession in the Narmada Valley, India" and it is published in the latest volume of Journal of Poverty (Volume 17, Issue 4, 2013)
The book explains the Narmada conflict and addresses how the building of the anti-dam campaign was animated by processes of collective learning, how activists extended the spatial scope of their struggle by building networks of solidarity with transnational advocacy groups, and how it is embedded in and shaped by a wider field of force of capitalist development at national and transnational... Read more
Increasingly, transnational companies are expected to contribute to economic and social development in the countries they operate in. In this doctoral thesis I will examine how the Norwegian corporate social investment and CSR activities affect local communities in Indonesia and Canada, and how local stakeholders receive and perceive such investments.
A delegation from the Department of Comparative Politics visited Shanghai in April. The program consisted of a workshop at Fudan University and signing a new agreement with East China Normal University.
Market, Culture, and Micro-Business in Insular Southeast Asia
On September 11th our colleague Alf Gunvald Nilsen wrote an article on the Norwegian election by invitation from The Guardian.
New publication from Alf Gunvald Nilsen in Critical Sociology: Adivasi Mobilization in Contemporary India: Democratizing the Local State?
The Bergen Social Anthropology Seminar (BSAS) at the Department of social anthropology celebrated its 50th anniversary 30 May 2013
